
May 14th Words, Writers, and Southwest Stories: Revisiting Once & Future River

‘Words, Writers & SouthWest Stories,’ a historically-based speaker series of the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, is excited to announce that it is re-releasing a recorded presentation of Seattle Times photographer Tom Reese and essayist Eric Wagner at 6:00 PM on Thursday, May 14th. The presentation, “Once and Future River: Reclaiming the Duwamish” was originally delivered by Reese and Wagner as part of the ‘Words, Writers & West Seattle’ series on July 8, 2016.  The presentation will be made available at www.loghousemuseum.org at 6:00 PM on May 14. We hope you’ll join us from the comfort of your home! The Historical Society will also be sharing an update and photographs from Reese and Wagner to celebrate the re-release of this presentation.

‘Words, Writers & SouthWest Stories’ presentations are scheduled regularly for the Second Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM at the Southwest Branch of the Seattle Public Library.  The presentation for next month (scheduled for June 11th) will be announced at a later date, depending on our community’s ongoing efforts to curtail the spread of COVID-19.

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3003 61 Ave. SW, Seattle, WA  98116

(206) 350-0999

ADA ramp is on the south side of the museum, along with an ADA restroom.