
Help Capture History: Documenting Longfellow Creek

Photograph Courtesy of Tom Reese

The Southwest Seattle Historical Society is excited to announce that we are partnering with the Delridge Neighborhood Development Association, Tom Reese, and Duwamish Alive Coalition to collect community memories of Longfellow Creek.

Our iconic Longfellow Creek runs the length of West Seattle. From its headwaters at Roxhill all the way to Elliot Bay, Longfellow Creek is an important part of this city’s story and that of our community. We want your personal stories of the creek in this community Diary of Longfellow – past experiences, current activities or special memories all help tell the tapestry of  Longfellow’s story.

CLICK HERE to submit a diary entry and share your memories of Longfellow Creek!

If you have any historic photographs of the creek that you would like to share as part of this project, please email museum@loghousemuseum.org with:

  1. Your Name
  2. A description of the photograph
  3. Any relevant ownership/copyright information related to the photograph
  4. A copy of the photograph, if possible

Email Newsletter


3003 61 Ave. SW, Seattle, WA  98116

(206) 350-0999

ADA ramp is on the south side of the museum, along with an ADA restroom.