
Gallery Highlight: Citizen Corner

Our latest exhibit, “Between the Lines” explores the politics that led to the 1907 annexation of West Seattle.  A key lesson learned from the annexation story is the importance of free and fair elections. To support our visitors in engaging in civic participation, we have a “Citizen Corner” set up in the main gallery.

Volunteer Bethany Green writing a postcard to her representative

Here’s what you can do in the Citizen Corner:

Register to Vote. Take home a voter registration to make sure your voice is counted in the next election. We also have information for teens on how to set up to be automatically registered to vote when they turn 18.

-Learn about how to become a U.S. Citizen. We have pamphlets and material available for those interested in becoming a citizen

Make your voice heard. Write your representatives on a postcard, we cover the postage! We have a handy guide of contact information for Seattle residents so you can reach the right person or department.

Email Newsletter


3003 61 Ave. SW, Seattle, WA  98116

(206) 350-0999

ADA ramp is on the south side of the museum, along with an ADA restroom.