
VIDEO: Celebrate 20th anniversary of full-length productions by Twelfth Night!


[The above video is contributed by Avenue Productions.]

Congratulations to West Seattle’s Twelfth Night Productions!

We are celebrating the 20th anniversary of full-length presentations by West Seattle theater group Twelfth Night Productions, headquartered at the Youngstown Cultural Arts center.

Twelfth Night Productions began as a week-long summer camp for children nearly 30 years ago. As the children grew and returned year after year, the program grew with them. In 1995, Twelfth Night performed its first full length production, A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare, and the spirit of the organization was born.

Twelfth Night performs an annual summer production and over the years has grown to include a smaller, ensemble-driven spring and fall production, along with a traditional holiday season show. Next up on the Twelfth Night stage is Godspell.

Productions include artists ranging in age from 10 to 65, fostering an environment in which mentorship and collaboration are priorities. Older students and players become mentors to new and younger actors, and students learn that one person can make a difference and collectively that they can inspire something larger than themselves.

For the first 11 years of production, Twelfth Night donated all proceeds, totaling nearly $20,000, to nonprofit organizations, including the Compass Center, Habitat for Humanity, Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association, ArtsWest, Youth Advancement Through Music and Art (YATMA), and Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. Twelfth Night continues to donate a portion of proceeds from its summer productions.

Congratulations to Twelfth Night Productions on its 20th anniversary! Click here for more info.

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3003 61 Ave. SW, Seattle, WA  98116

(206) 350-0999

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